Each year the selection of artwork for the MFC is completed by a process of consultation with practising artists and with the Board of the Multifaith Action Society, under the direction of the Production Team and MFC Working Group.
Artwork is judged on the merit of its originality in relation to the interpretation of the theme, the strength of the image, as well as its contribution to the other images.
In creating the final collection of approx. 23 - 25 images used in the Multifaith Calendar, consideration is also given to including representation from varying spiritual backgrounds and a variety of media.
A Call for Submissions takes place every end-October - 31 January. This Call is sent out to our ever expanding database of artists, a comprehensive list of visual art programs, as well as to a significant number of arts councils, guilds, etc.
We encourage all artists to submit their work for consideration. Over the years, we have had artists from across Canada and the US as well as Internationally. Please share this Call for Submissions opportunity for visual artists with your network of contacts.
During the entire process, from Call for Submissions to selection, care is taken to maintain clear communication with all artists.
If you have any questions, we invite you to be in communication with the Production Team: mfcproduction@multifaithaction.org
...or call Bernard at the Multifaith Action Society: 1-877-525-8883 (Pacific)